Saturday, May 27, 2017

The Month of May

Oh my goodness, did we have lots going on this last month of sixth grade!

Field Day was early on and even though we did not win at Tug O' War, we were definitely good sports! We congratulated each opponent no matter the outcome of the game, no matter the game. We thought back to our Good Sportsmanship lessons from earlier in the year. We were, however, #FIERCE!!!

We had a field trip to a nonprofit in town that works with kids on their computer coding skills (Codecraft Lab).

To learn more about our legal system, we were invited to our local courthouse to see juvenile court, tour the courthouse, and have our own mock trial. They all did such a great job on the trial. They took it very seriously, as you can see from their facial expressions and body language!

Later that night, we had our Sixth Grade Dance!

Our graduation was bittersweet. So happy to see all of our students recognized for the hard work this year! Tears were shed. By many. After graduation, we had a beach party! If you live in a beach town, what else would you do?!

These kids are moving on to middle school next year! I am so happy that they were my people this year! We did get to have our chat with Clark, although we had technical difficulties! After trying the video chat, we just called him. So thankful that he was able to do that for us. It was great to get to say thank you and good bye and to wish him luck on his new job! The kids were talking about it all day. No pictures since I was using my phone (camera!) to talk to Clark! 

The day after school was out, I was able to go once again to the Ron Clark Academy!!! So inspiring! Great to see such fabulous teachers who love what they do, do what they do!

Next year, BIGGER AND BETTER Sabal 6th Grade!!!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Healthy Living - April Update Classroom Champions

Our challenge from Clark this month was to come up with small goals to help us live a healthier life. Students had spring break this month and decided to include their family in this healthy living goal. One student planned to get more sleep over the break, while another's goal was to hike the mountains with her mom. Students are still working on their illustrations of their goals. These pictures will be uploaded later, as students complete them.

We have begun our testing for this school year and have had conversations about eating properly for our brains to work their best and how getting enough, not too much, sleep is important, not only to do well on tests, but to be at our maximum energy level to perform anything well.

The year is winding down. We have only 17 more school days in our year, but we have our sixth grade graduation four days prior to that. I am very proud of my students. They have prepared well for middles school and I know that there are big things in their future!