Monday, January 30, 2017

Perseverance Walk

Clark challenged us to learn about people who have persevered to attain a goal. I found a great lesson online called "Perseverance Walk". In the past, I have done this in the Gifted Student Program, but I do believe it is something that all students can learn very valuable lessons and learn a little something new about a family member.

Here is the link to the lesson:

My students this year had a great time interviewing friends and family. They learned that not everything comes as easy as it may look.

Dawson interviewed his dad about climbing a mountain. His dad may several attempts before being successful, but never gave up. Dad even took the family dog on the hike with him!

Kirra interviewed her cousin who is a Jet Ski racer. He had to overcome injuries to continue his dream of being an award winning racer.

Connor interviewed his dad, who now works with aeronautics. He had lots to learn and it was not easy. Connor's dad was in the military to get the experience he needed.

Spencer interviewed his mom. She works with kids who are autistic. She definitely had to work hard to learn everything she can to help these students. Mom has earned several awards for her work.

Kierra interviewed her aunt who is a teacher here in town. She loves what she does, but each day is a challenge. Becoming a teacher took a lot of hard work and education.

Christie interveiwed her mom who is a Speech Pathologist. Her mom went to school after she had a family, so there were many obstacles to her goal. Taking care of a family AND going to school takes loads of perseverance!

Sarah interviewed her dad about his goal of becoming a Black Belt in Martial Arts. Her dad admitted that even though he was working so hard, he became jealous of people that were advancing more quickly than he was. Sarah's dad is now a Black Belt. The hard work paid off! The lesson learned...things come to each of us differently. It is ok if it takes you a little longer to reach your goal.

Brodee's dad works in aviation. Brodee learned that there were many hurdles for his dad, but in the end, he reached his goal and has a job that he loves.

Kyle's mom is still on her perseverance walk! She continues to go to school while caring for her family. Her ultimate goal is to be a nurse. Time and money are obstacles that she is overcoming daily!

I love this project! I highly recommend it. As a teacher, you learn a little more about the students in your class. Who they decide to interview and what they learn is invaluable. Such a great lesson to learn!

On a side note, we continue to make our community a better place daily! To help defer the costs for students' field trip fees, our sixth graders hosted a breakfast fund raiser at Applebee's! This is Brodee in our car loop drumming up business! 

We continue to work with our custodial staff to keep our campus beautiful!

Thank you for taking a look at our month!
~ Mrs. James' 6th Grade Class