Thursday, December 22, 2016

Classroom Champions ~ November/December

Jamestown 6th graders have been very busy the last two months at Sabal! Our challenge from Clark was to better our community. Students had many ideas. We collected donations for our local animal shelter and delivered them after our last day of school before the winter break.

We also met with our Head Custodian to make plans for keeping our campus beautiful! We will be a part of a committee that will not only pick up the trash around school, we will encourage others to do the same.

Mrs. Cwiklinski, one of our kindergarten teachers, came to speak with our class about raising money for MS. We plan to participate in the MS Walk in March. She has asked us to create a team name and t-shirt design to help raise money for the cause. Mrs. Cwiklinski was diagnosed two years ago with MS. Our participation will not only help Mrs. Cwiklinski, but the entire community. Students are very excited to help with this project! We would even like to invite Clark to join us for the MS Walk in March if he is able to make it!  This is the link that Mrs. Cwiklinski shared to begin her talk with the students:

On top of all our community service, we have had visits from some of our middle schools in the area to discuss Life After Sixth Grade! Stone Middle School came to discuss their STEM program and Johnson Middle School came to discuss their STAR/Cambridge program.

Sixth graders also went to Kennedy Space Center for an incredible field trip. They participated in a bridge building activity, toured the center, and got to ride the Shuttle Experience. This is a free program to all public school sixth graders in our county. We are fortunate to live so close to this history and science!

I am personally looking forward to January's challenge! Perseverance is definitely an area for improvement for many students. 
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from Jamestown Sixth Graders!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Classroom Champions

My homeroom class got to meet our Athlete Mentor, Clark Rachfal!!! Clark is a Paralympian who competes on a tandem bicycle. He is legally blind so this is really impressive! Think of his grit, perseverance, get where he is today.

Here is our welcome video from Clark!

He has given us a challenge to set a BIG goal for this school year and three small goals that will help us reach that big goal.
Ready for that challenge!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Jamestown Houses Up and Running...Genius Hour...and more!

From the Ron Clark Academy comes the idea of placing students into houses similar to those at Hogwarts! Mr. Clark sorts his newest students into their house the first year and students remain in that house from fifth to eighth grades. Students learn teamwork and friendly competition. We have already had a nice game with tons of points being awarded and students are practicing being a good winner and a good loser. It was so wonderful to hear..."Great job, Green House!" at the end of the game. Ms. Robinson and I are going to be attending a Teacher Training at the Ron Clark Academy in February!!! We are super excited for this once in a lifetime opportunity!!! We will be getting some more great ideas to share with our students AND we get to be Slide Certified!

Wednesdays are early release days every week. We lose a little over an hour with our students. It is also a day that several students are in another classroom for enrichment, so Wednesdays are going to be our "Ketchup" (get it...Catch Up!) Day. If students need a little more time to finish up a project from earlier in the week or from the end of the previous week, they will have time to do that. All sixth grade teachers are able to offer a little more assistance if needed. Perhaps Mr. Dorricott sees that Ethel and Fred need extra help with a math skill, he can bring them to his room. If Ms. Robinson sees that Lucy and Ricky didn't quite get that science concept, she can bring them to her room for a little tutoring. Same with reading and me. This seems like it is going to be a great way to handle our Wednesdays. Students will still have reading for 90 minutes each day, but the rest of the day is for whatever needs to be completed or studied. What about those kids who have nothing to catch up on? In Jamestown, students will have the opportunity to work on a Passion Project. We call it Genius Hour and the idea comes from Google. One student is planning to use pieces of watches that he takes apart to create a piece of art. After learning about Genius Hour, another student said, "I LOVE THIS SCHOOL!!!"

Donorschoose!!! We have three copies of most of the SSYRA books for sixth grade this year thanks to a Donorschoose project posted last year. We are waiting for some short stools for our reading table that will be here any day. Thank you for allowing your students to be photographed to share with our donors so that they can see the projects in action! Currently we have two projects posted, but we are waiting for Target to fund all but $98 and then it will be funded by anyone who wants to donate. Donorschoose is a great way to get things for the classroom that are out of the ordinary. People all over are willing to help classrooms. I am so grateful to have found Donorschoose! Here are a couple of the pictures from the Book BASH project Thank You package.

#Jamestown @Sabal is having the #BestYearEver!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2016


Ms. Robinson, Mr. Dorricott, and I have BIG PLANS for sixth grade this year! We are super excited to meet our students and parents on Monday, August 8th during registration. Registration is from 8:00-5:00 in the cafeteria. Sixth grade teachers will be in our classrooms throughout the day to welcome our new students and parents. We will have some back to school information for you as well. We hope you have enjoyed your summer, as we have, and we look forward to seeing you soon!